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Accueil du site > Annuaire > Alkan Ayten

EMAM (Membre associé)

Alkan Ayten

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Ayten Alkan travaille actuellement sur le droit à la ville pour des non-humains et en particuliers la place des chiens de rue dans la ville. Elle a été chercheuse invitée au CITERES en 2016

Ayten Alkan (Assoc. Prof., PhD.) is a visiting scholar at our Centre thank to the two-months research scholarship of French Embassy in Ankara. She worked for eight years at the University of Istanbul, Faculty of Political Science. She taught at the Political Science and Public Administration Department (Urban and Environmental Studies Branch) of the Faculty, as well as at Women’s Studies Department of Social Sciences Institute. Before University of Istanbul, she worked at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Ankara for thirteen years (1995-2008). In 2017-2018 she was a fellow at the Social Sciences School of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton-US. In 2018-19 she was a EURIAS fellow at the Hansewiesenschafts-Kolleg (H-W-K), Delmenhorst-Germany. She worked on the project titled, “Revisiting the Right to the City from the Perspective of the Non-Human : The Case of Street Dogs” at these two Institutes. In June 2019 she returned to Turkey, and continues her work as an independent scholar in Izmir. Recently, she published a translation [(2019) (Derek Ryan) Animal Theory, Edinburgh University Press. (Istanbul : Iletişim, Hayvan Kuramı)] and an edited volume tgether with a group of scholars [(ed.) (2020) Şehir ve Hayvan (The City and The Animal) İstanbul : Patika.]

Axe de Recherche dans le programme de recherche de l'équipe EMAM
