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Tekin Cansu

Doctorante en sociologie

22 janvier 2020

Cansu Tekin travaille sur l’urbanisation en Turquie

Invitée à CITERES d’octobre 2019 à juillet 2020


09/2015- ongoing : Ph.D Ankara University, Ankara (Turkey) Labor Economics and Industrial Relations Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Metin Özuğurlu

09/2013-09/2015 : Master Ankara University, Ankara (Turkey) Labor Economics and Industrial Relations Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Recep Varçın Thesis : A Theoretical Study on Crime and Occupation Relations

09/2013-12/2016 : Master Ankara University, Ankara (Turkey) Sociology

09/2008-06/20013 : Bachelor Ankara University, Ankara (Turkey) Labor Economics and Industrial Relations (high honor student, 3.38/4.00)

Work experience

10/2015- still : Research Assistance Ankara University, Ankara (Turkey)

10/2014-10/2015 : Research Assistance Akdeniz University, Antalya (Turkey)

10/2019-10/2020 : Visiting Researcher Université de Tours, Tours (France)

Awards and Schollarships

“Women in the Political Economy of Hazelnut : Patriarchal Transformation in Agriculture in 2000s” Şirin Tekeli Research Encouragement Award, award by Sabancı University Gender and Women’s Studies Center of Excellence, 2018, Istanbul

2214- A, Ph.D. Research Schoolarship, (September 2019- July 2020) The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK).


“Rethinking of Finduk – Prevention of Child Labor in Hazelnut Agriculture”, with Fair Labour Association, OLAM and FISA, Trainer. Project coordinator : Aras Onur, 2019.

“Finduk – Prevention of Child Labor in Hazelnut Agriculture”, with Fair Labour Association, OLAM and FISA, Trainer. Project coordinator : Aras Onur, 2018.

“The Hell out of Prison-The Released Political Prisoners in Syria, Qualitative Study”, Free Jasmin Organization, Project Coordinator : Garib Mirza, Samer Tlass, Yasmina Binshe, 2017. Publications

Tekin, C. (2017). Is liberal justice possible ? Turkey Social Security System from Rawls’s approach. 15. National Social Science Congress, METU, 94-95. Link : Tekin, C. (2016). “Evaluating LGBTI Movement on the Axis of Thirdspace Notion” Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences, 309-317. Link :

Tekin, C. (2016). As a Tool of Political and Economic Struggle ; Housing Question in Germany and Turkey : A Comparative Analysis. International Seminar on Social, Economic and Legal Framework Between EU, Turkey and Germany, 10-11. Link : http://intoffice.politics.ankara.ed...

As a Submitted and Reviewed Works : Tekin, C. (2020). “From Workshop to Home : The Dilemma of the Subcontracting Women Workers Between Empowerment and Exploitation” Praksis, January.

Research and Teaching Interest

• Urban Studies • Social Policy • Work Sociology


Turkish : Native tongue English : C1 German : B1


• Prof. Dr. Metin Özuğurlu, Ankara University, Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, E-mail : Mobile : +90 537 894 8688

• Assoc. Prof. Dr. Utku Balaban, Research Fellow, IGK Work and Human Life Cycle in Global History, Humboldt University, Berlin, E-mail : Mobile : +1 401 226 6949