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Séminaire « Scenarios for tomorrow’s forests. Reflections from the Vietnamese case »

4 mai 2022

Mercredi 4 mai 2022, 14h00-16h00, MSH Val de Loire salle polyvalente (et visio)

This seminar is the first of several, from which the Plantaclim team hopes to draw elements of reflection to define scenarios for the forest plantations of tomorrow in the French region Centre-Val de Loire.

In Vietnam, since the 1990s, priority has been given to forest plantations using imported, fast-growing species. They serve an economic purpose in the short term but could harm biodiversity conservation in the long term, as observed in South Africa. This question could arise in France, if plantations were done on a large scale and using a single clone (as in Vietnam). Tran Huu Nghi’s presentation will lead us to reflect on the possibilities offered by agroforestry, which is practiced in an ancestral manner in this country and which is envisaged as a scenario for the partial evolution of forest plantations in the framework of Plantaclim project. Tran Huu Nghi will then specify the adaptations envisaged in Vietnam in the forestry sector to cope with climate change.

Organisé par l’équipe du projet « Plantaclim », à l’occasion de la venue de Tran Huu Nghi (directeur de Tropenbos Vietnam).

Plantaclim (Maximizing the services of forest plantations in the context of climate change) is an interdisciplinary project, funded by the French region Centre-Val de Loire and led by CITERES research center (Sylvie Servain and Amélie Robert).

The aim is to identify the services provided by forest plantations (pine and poplar) and propose solutions to maximize them in the context of climate change.

The research includes :

  • soil analyses, vegetation (lichen, mosses and vascular plants) surveys and insect surveys - supporting services -
  • identification of economic benefits (state of the sector) - provisioning services -
  • analysis of the cultural dimension (leisure activities, representations) - cultural services.

Forest plantations have advantages but also disadvantages, being a source of disservices. The project team believes that they will play an increasing role in the future (being particularly encouraged in the context of global change). It is therefore important to think about solutions that allow maximizing their services.

More information on the website : (in French - English version coming soon).

Free but mandatory registration before May 2nd, 2022 following this link :

For any question, please contact Amélie Robert (

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