Accueil du site > Actualités > Conférence (hybride) « Radical Cartography »
Intervenant : Philippe Rekacewicz
3 mai 2023Mercredi 3 mai 2023, 19h30-21h00 (heure d’Istanbul, UCT/GTM +3), Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes (IFEA-Istanbul)
organisée dans le cadre de l’ANR Alter-citoyens au Moyen-Orient. Inventer les résistances en temps de violence (IMAGIN-E)
Maps are a powerful way to reflect the world as we see it, rather than it is really. In this context, they act as a sort of “dreaming machine” with which we can mix reality with our fantasy. In this Lecture, Philippe Rekacewicz, geographer, cartographer, and information designer, will provide a critical overview of the map as an invention, multidimensional, complex, and systemic object, and as a powerful tool for representing diverse sources of information (quantitative and qualitative data), as well as perceptions and emotions, processed in a sensorial way, leading to very specific « map objects » that involve senses including human bodies…
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